Best way to take care of dry skin

Collagen and hyaluronic acid, which are essential for skin elasticity and glow, decrease with age. It is important to know your skin well and supplement what is lacking so that it can penetrate into your skin.

■ What is dry skin?

Is this dry skin? Do any of the following apply to you?

✔The skin feels tight after cleansing.

✔The surface of the skin is cracked

✔Itching sensation on the skin

✔The skin is rough and stiff overall.

Wrinkles due to lack of elasticity

✔In winter, makeup does not go on well

✔Powdery and peeling skin around eyes and mouth

✔Makeup floats on the skin

Surprisingly, there are many people who suffer from dry skin. When skin is in good condition, the stratum corneum is well replenished with sebum, natural moisturizing factors, and intercellular lipids such as ceramide. However, when this balance is lost for various reasons, the skin becomes dry. If it gets worse, the skin may break and bleed. If dry skin is left untreated, the stratum corneum will peel off and the barrier function will deteriorate. The barrier function prevents necessary moisture from evaporating, but allergens and irritants from daily life can get into the barrier function, causing it to itch and make it worse.

In addition, if dry skin is left untreated, it can cause fine lines and wrinkles and age spots, two major factors that make people look older. Fine lines and wrinkles are formed when the surface of the skin becomes rough due to dryness, and if left untreated, they can become deep wrinkles. If the skin is left untreated, it will develop deeper wrinkles.

■ What are the causes of dry skin?

Dry skin is skin that does not produce enough sebum and has a weakened ability to retain water. The amount of ceramide, which keeps the skin's water retention capacity, starts to decrease in our thirties, and the skin becomes more prone to dryness. In addition, the sweat glands and sebaceous lines weaken, and the balance between oil and moisture is lost, resulting in a loss of moisture.

There are some skin care tips that can unintentionally worsen dry skin. If the temperature of the water is too high when washing your face, it will be hard on your skin. If you leave the sheet pack on your skin for a longer period of time than the instructions say, the moisture that has penetrated into the skin will be released in reverse, so be sure to keep the time.

■ How should I care for my dry skin?

What are the key points for dry skin care?

The first thing to do is to review your basic facial cleansing method.

If you are concerned about dryness, you may be tempted to apply a lot of high quality moisturizing serums and creams, but the biggest cause of dryness is dirt that has accumulated on the surface of the skin, such as dead skin cells, so it is important to wash your face properly first. By doing so, new keratin will be born from underneath the skin, and it can be expected to stop drying out.

The key to skin care after washing your face to properly remove the excess is to provide your skin with enough moisture and to regulate the skin's functions. Apply the right amount of moisturizer to the skin to keep the skin from drying out.

Creams are also recommended to help smooth skin turnover and remove the cause of dryness. For serums, choose a moisturizing serum that keeps the skin hydrated from within. The area around the eyes is prone to dryness, so apply eye cream frequently. To prevent wrinkles, it is also important to replenish moisture and oil. Use a moisturizing liquid foundation, and a cleansing cloth that removes dirt while retaining moisture.

Don't forget facial massage after applying creams. Facial massages are treatments you can do with a practitioner or on your own. The technique involves stimulating pressure points on the face, neck, and shoulders. MIO2 Facial massager helps promote healthy skin while relaxing your facial muscles. It has a relaxing and rejuvenating effect, helping you look and feel better.

Visit: for more skincare and facial massage tools!

When your skin is very dry, it is best to apply a serum or cream to your base makeup, or use only Vaseline. Avoid using sunscreen and wear powder foundation to block UV rays. If you are worried about powdery skin during the day, apply a serum on top of your makeup. Apply it gently without rubbing to replenish moisture.

If water stings, try applying a protective cream or Vaseline only for a while. When the skin has recovered, return to your normal skin care routine, adding a serum.

■ Dry skin care at home

At home, use a steamed towel to relieve the stiffness of your skin caused by dryness. Gently cover your face with a steamed towel to soften the surface of your skin. Then apply a generous amount of milky lotion. Then apply a generous amount of milky lotion, blending it in from the inside of the face to the outside. Place the steamed towel on your face again for about 30 seconds and gently wipe it off in the same way, from inside to outside. This will remove dead skin cells and harden the skin. It is also safe to do when your skin is sensitive.

If your skin is too dry and tingling no matter what you put on it, put a cotton ball soaked in purified water on it.

■ Conclusion

When you have dry skin, it's easy to fall for the words "moisturizing ingredients" not only for your face, but also for your entire body. It is tempting to rely on high performance moisturizers, but first, clean the surface of your skin. If you moisturize more than necessary, it will accumulate in the skin and weigh it down, causing it to sag.

Dry adult skin weakens the turnover process and makes it difficult to shed unwanted cells, but by helping the skin with cleansing, you can increase the number of new cells with high water content.

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